Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sky is womb and she's the moon

listen to music you have never heard before. play it until you know the lyrics back to front. then share it with other people. and if the opportunity presents itself; you should sing it loudly out of the rolled down window of your car with the wind in your face. or sit quietly and watch the moon rise blood red, humming something pretty that stays in your ears for days.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

street art

this is not his work (!) but i read a book by banksy recently and really got interested in graffiti and street stencils again. i have always photographed street art so now i will post some. what a great idea!

political. honest and funny raw art. the best designs i saw in paris were by misstic.

so.. just two pieces of graffiti for enjoyment today. i can't credit the work, wish i could!

top one still makes me laugh....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

lake george

truly - its a lake!


gravity pulled you back home
down to earth and all alone
you cast victory over stones
soon you mellowed soon you broke

- v

life in motion

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

re: the photograph author


harsh stark space
fields that fell from grey clouds.
pieces of fence poke from the soil
sewn into a patchwork of voids.

bleak beauty drawn and inked out over time

spring is borne on a blossom bough...

hazy shade of ...spring